Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Oh the remembrance - first posted Monday, July 15, 2002

More streams of consciousness. Heart to mind. Soul to shoes. Lakes and children. Summer at dawn. Cars and passersby. Ecological disaster. Centralized spinning eatery. Bacon and eggs. Salt with taxes. The trashmen are here. Taking away my mistakes. Underneath it all. Piled high. Stop as fast as I think, guillotine. Lunch hammers, reckless dress. Vertical sun pants. Leather speak and spells. Glass hierarchy. Fortitude of the mind. Here to there. Vast out reach. Variant anomaly. Boxing for money. Star search. Art for hire. Left over emotions. ¶ 7:01 AM
The time is here. Distant pings and beats of your unconscious awake. Gently pushing and pulling, back and forth like that of a rocking chair in slow motion. Ever constant even when you're not aware. Silent mornings paused in time. The world moves around you. We get lost in it all. We get lost in our minds. No one knows what your thinking. Your thoughts are there and they run free. Pulses of sound, rhythmic, persistent. Ambient waves with distortions of voices looped. I will never be able to stop time. It happens even without me. Until I act. Act against it. Use it to satisfy my own wants. Direct the illusions. Now move on to scene two.

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